On 29th September 2021 we have begun the trial run of our new slaughter house. It completes our chickens industry: Laying, hatching, raising, slaughtering butchering and marketing.
Trying out the slaughtering and butchering bevore production is important for optimizing processes in the slaughter house. The next step is to apply for tbs (Tanzanian Bureau of Standardization) certificate, which not only gives us a reputation but is prerequisit for selling our chickens to supermarkets and gastronomy, too.
The house is divided into two sections: the first for slaughtering chickens. Here up to three butchers can work. In the second part there are four tables for butchering and two others for packaging, weighing and labeling the chickens until they are stored in deep freezers. Later, by means of a well insulated coolbox the chickens meat can be transported to the towns of Lindi, Kilwa and as far as Mtwara.