Volunteer Opportunities

At Kilimo Timilifu (KT) we accept volunteers of all kinds and of all durations.

Short-Term Volunteer: 1 week to 1 year
Full-Term Volunteer: 1 year or more

Minimal Volunteer Requirements:

  • Committed believers in Jesus Christ
  • 19 years of age or older (if traveling alone)
  • Flexible, adaptable and teachable
  • Love people and enjoy building relationships

We have lots of opportunities. Check them out below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Short-Term Team

At Kilimo Timilifu we love having short-term teams. Most of them come for one or two weeks. We have had Church teams, School teams, Family teams and Training Groups. What ever your group is, so long as it meets the minimal volunteer requirements on the Volunteer Opportunities page, we can probably arrange something. Just Contact … Continue reading Short-Term Team

Full-Term Service

Kilimo Timilifu (KT) is a charitable organization. We appreciate the full-time volunteer help we receive from time to time. We are currently seeking full-time volunteer help in the following area. Farm Development Manager – Over see the development of the farm and the farm business.  We have a long detailed development plan and it needs … Continue reading Full-Term Service

Individual Short-Term

At Kilimo Timilifu (KT) we accept individual short-term volunteers. KT typically requires short-term personnel to come out through a sending organization.  However, a supportive home church could qualify.  Just contact us and we can talk about it. While we can accept a wide variety of skill sets for short-term personnel, here are some specific skills … Continue reading Individual Short-Term

Volunteer from Home

Kilimo Timilifu (KT) sometimes needs help that does not require you to come to Tanzania. That’s right, you could volunteer with KT right from your own home. Here are some of the skill sets we could use in this type of volunteer: Media Manager (web page and social media etc.) Grant writer Just be sure … Continue reading Volunteer from Home