Like any non-profit, Kilimo Timilifu (KT) has operational expenses. These are the expenses that are not covered by program or project budgets. Things like office staff salaries and office expenses, utilities, transportation, licensing and certifications, legal fees, insurance and so forth.
KT only uses undesignated funds to cover operations. KT is working hard to develop our income generation sources so that within a couple years KT will be operationally self-funded from income. However, until that point, we need to raise $7,500 USD per month to fully cover our operational needs.
$7,500.00 Target Monthly giving
$2,200.00 Current monthly commitments total (29%)
$5,300.00 Remaining monthly giving to raise for 2022.
Thank you for your prayerfully considering to help.
Please feel free to contact us to ask for Budget Details if interested.
If you want a tax deductible receipt from another country please contact us for options.