While training in agriculture and cooperative markets is our focus, at Kilimo Timilifu (KT) we are also trying to help the local primary school. The Mchinga Mbili Primary School had only five classrooms for seven grades. We have just completed building two brand new fully-furnished classrooms for the community school. The school, students, parents and local village government were very grateful. We were glad to help out in this way.
The total project cost was $11,930 USD. We were able to raise $5,000 USD before we started building. But due to the urgency of this need, we went ahead with this project. We are still in need of $6,930 to complete the budget for this project. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the classroom project to help us cover these costs, please follow this link and donate at the bottom of the page and add the word “Classroom” in the comment line of your donation.