Truck Project old

Our Agribusinesses and Agricultural Extension programs are far reaching into many villages.  Nearly all of these villages are beyond walking distance of local famers carry their crops.  In order to expand our reach to help local farmers in these far villages, Kilimo Timilifu (KT) would like to purchase its own 3 to 5 ton capacity truck to alleviate the transport expenses of hiring trucks and making it possible to expand our operations further at a minimal cost.

Total cost estimated is $20,000 USD for a used 3 to 5 ton truck.

For more information download KT Proposal-Truck.PDF.

To designate your gift via Grace Bible Church (GBC), our USA Fiscal Partner, select Fund Kilimo Timilifu and add Truck to the comment.

To designate your gift via Millennium Relief and Development Service (MRDS) Canada, our Canadian Fiscal Partner, enter project designation KTTanzania.001-Truck

If you want a tax deductible receipt from another country please contact us for options.

Your support is empowering Tanzanians to lift themselves out of poverty.